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更新时间:2025-03-17 12:45:23
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1. Not long after Wu Liqin got her job with an electrical company in 1982, she was braving sandstorms and grassland hills on a horse cart.

1. So delightful a companion was she, that the bartonet Would seldom tate his walk after breakfast without her—and the children, of course—When she Would giVe her advice as to the trees which should be cut down, the crops that were to be gathered, the horse that were to go to cart or plough.


2. If you have interest, please bring your marriage settlement, your younger sister and ride a horse and cart.

3. So in this book in the color spectrum has depth, as the main objective is allow readers to lose, the concept of, Taiwan really very few people understand the application of the color spectrum, spoon-fed education learning cart before the horse, seen too many people do not use the color spectrum is claiming to Photoshop is highly flexible and engaged in the design work for many years, seen Photoshop users imperfectunderstanding.

4. One clock was in the shape of a cart with a horse and driver.

5. Here's the driver of the horse and cart.

6. One clock was in the shape of a cart with a horse and a driver.

7. I could hear the rhythmical clicking of the horse`s hooves and my body was swaying in motion with the rocking of the wooden cart.

8. He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time with the aim of conducting a real and careful exploration.

9. horse and cart什么意思

9. If that horse and cart fall down, you`ll still be the sweetest little baby in town.

10. The mothers carried their little children at their backs, the elder ones tottered by their sides, and a poor starved horse tugged at a cart that bore their scanty effects.

11. At the same time, due to fierce market competition, as well as cash flow and other reasons, many developers do not want to carry out a longer period of time to create a brand, too much hype and advertising through press bombing campaign hopes to quickly establish a corporate brand, the cart before the horse never dreamed that such a practice has hindered the healthy development of the real estate industry.

12. horse and cart在线翻译

12. So there is this story about his Uncle Hoskins who takes his horse and cart with Richard in the back and drives it into the middle of the Mississippi River as a kind of practical joke on Richard.

13. Our new product manufacturing method of patent infringement litigation needs to prove to the various specific problems, including new products of the determination, method of range and the same patent extension of the determination, the burden of products of the cart before the horse.

14. But we cannot constantly pursue texture's disguising the old as the new and the tool, the material change and put the cart before the horse without substance beauty of form.

15. He had a horse and cart that he would use to take the goods to market.

16. Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.

17. For if I lose my horse and cart --

18. He liked the picture of the horse and cart very much, but he did not like the writing at all.

19. There`s too much room between HORSE and AND and AND and CART!

20. It had a sign outside it, and there was a picture of a horse and a cart on it.

Anthea went to talk to a man who had a horse and cart, and the others waited.(安西娅走过去和一个有马套二轮单马车的人谈起来,别的孩子等着。)
So there is this story about his Uncle Hoskins who takes his horse and cart with Richard in the back and drives it into the middle of the Mississippi River as a kind of practical joke on Richard.(有个故事是关于他的叔叔Hoskins的,他让理查坐在他的马车后,却连人带车掉到密西西比河里,这被作为了一个理查的真实笑话。)
On the following morning the old man found a thousand-franc bank-note on his night-stand, with these words in Father Madeleine's writing: "I purchase your horse and cart."(第二天早晨,那老头子在床头小桌上发现一张一千法郎的票据和马德兰伯伯亲笔写的一句话:“我买您的车和马。”)
Businesses are the generators of the wealth on which incomes, taxation and all else depends; "the strong horse that pulls the whole cart", as Churchill put it.(商业是工资、税收和其他一切都依靠的财富的制造者;丘吉尔曾经将商业比作“一匹拉着整个马车的悍马”。)
One afternoon Matthew drove the horse and cart to the station.(一天下午,马修驾着马车来到火车站。)
Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.(妈妈会去给你买一辆马车。)
The cart was broken, and the horse was dead.(车子早已碎了,马也早已死了。)
Your expectations are the horse, and your experience is the cart.(我们期望的是马,我们体验的是车。)
Klim, probably reflecting that a real robber would have vanished long ago with the horse and cart, came out of the forest and went hesitatingly up to his passenger.(也许正想着一个有马和车的很早以前已经消失的真的大盗,Klim从林子里面走了出来,将信将疑的走向他的乘客。)
Reduced to simple rules, following a cart-before-horse thinking that everything should be done by IT, and simple rules are what IT handles best.(都被降为简单的规则,按照本末倒置的想法,所有一切都应该由IT完成,而简单规则正是IT最容易掌控的。)
horse and cart是什么意思 horse and cart在线翻译 horse and cart什么意思 horse and cart的意思 horse and cart的翻译 horse and cart的解释 horse and cart的发音 horse and cart的同义词